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Non-stop flights from PNS Pensacola FL

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Pensacola FL (PNS).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 276 271 73% 1.16 0.79 341.72
Austin TX AUS 22 626 51% 1.79 1.46 429.70
Baltimore MD BWI 22 846 64% 2.20 1.92 441.22
Charlotte NC CLT 152 488 83% 1.75 1.25 391.81
Chicago IL MDW 31 781 62% 2.19 1.90 410.94
Chicago IL ORD 75 794 71% 2.54 2.08 382.47
Cincinnati OH CVG 12 608 44% 1.92 1.49 409.12
Cleveland OH CLE 14 811 67% 2.20 1.84 440.36
Columbus OH CMH 18 700 52% 2.09 1.73 405.36
Dallas TX DAL 58 592 87% 1.78 1.45 407.55
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 203 604 82% 1.94 1.53 393.72
Denver CO DEN 77 1179 85% 3.12 2.67 441.02
Houston TX HOU 36 488 88% 1.59 1.27 384.70
Houston TX IAH 175 489 79% 1.75 1.33 368.49
Indianapolis IN IND 16 639 47% 1.89 1.60 399.90
Kansas City MO MCI 47 743 70% 2.01 1.73 429.97
Louisville KY SDF 13 537 32% 1.64 1.32 406.27
Miami FL MIA 62 530 77% 1.69 1.36 388.42
Milwaukee WI MKE 7 861 22% 2.40 2.06 418.54
Muscle Shoals AL MSL 38 295 64% 1.38 1.07 276.34
Nashville TN BNA 61 391 73% 1.31 1.03 379.49
New Orleans LA MSY 2 187 97% 0.96 0.64 291.43
New York NY LGA 33 1030 84% 2.68 2.34 441.05
Orlando FL MCO 31 381 86% 1.97 1.61 236.30
Philadelphia PA PHL 33 935 81% 2.62 2.21 423.35
Pittsburgh PA PIT 14 794 63% 2.20 1.78 446.72
St. Louis MO STL 65 598 54% 1.70 1.42 420.14
Tampa FL TPA 34 330 78% 1.58 1.37 241.12
Washington DC DCA 61 816 84% 2.25 1.86 438.49
Washington DC IAD 62 804 72% 2.36 1.93 417.37

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from PNS, nonstop flights from Pensacola FL, nonstop flights PNS to, direct flights from Pensacola FL, PNS airport, Pensacola FL airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: jet, crow flies, ticket, adventure travel, price, commercial flights, airport lounge, and air travel in general.

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