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Non-stop flights from GJT Grand Junction CO

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Grand Junction CO (GJT).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Burbank CA BUR 17 642 52% 1.89 1.53 418.70
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 94 773 74% 2.14 1.73 445.78
Denver CO DEN 172 212 80% 1.21 0.72 292.61
Las Vegas NV LAS 8 420 71% 1.34 1.01 414.81
Los Angeles CA LAX 6 655 31% 1.93 1.51 433.46
Phoenix AZ PHX 90 438 77% 1.49 1.16 376.56
Salt Lake City UT SLC 126 216 77% 1.11 0.72 301.51
Santa Ana CA SNA 6 641 62% 1.77 1.48 432.13

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from GJT, nonstop flights from Grand Junction CO, nonstop flights GJT to, direct flights from Grand Junction CO, GJT airport, Grand Junction CO airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: red eye flight, from, flight hours, nonstop, schedule, seat, flight booking, passenger, airport code, fly, commercial flights, book flight, discount flight, and air travel in general.

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