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Non-stop flights from DSM Des Moines IA

This page lists destinations which are a non stop / direct flight away from Des Moines IA (DSM).
The table is sortable: click on the column heading to sort.
To: Destination city and stateairport codeapprox. # of monthly nonstop flightsdistance (miles)% seats filled (% full)ramp to ramp time (hours)air time (hours)ground speed (miles per hour)
Atlanta GA ATL 118 743 86% 2.01 1.70 436.23
Austin TX AUS 9 813 88% 2.06 1.79 454.47
Charlotte NC CLT 84 815 88% 2.37 1.89 432.06
Chicago IL ORD 297 299 82% 1.44 0.92 325.05
Dallas/Fort Worth TX DFW 114 624 85% 1.89 1.49 419.35
Denver CO DEN 191 589 89% 1.86 1.44 408.47
Detroit MI DTW 85 534 76% 1.65 1.29 412.89
Houston TX HOU 9 825 79% 2.31 1.98 417.13
Houston TX IAH 78 802 86% 2.36 2.00 401.86
Las Vegas NV LAS 57 1216 89% 2.90 2.59 469.22
Los Angeles CA LAX 9 1447 90% 3.31 3.00 482.33
Louisville KY SDF 2 481 63% 1.47 1.21 398.07
Miami FL MIA 5 1327 73% 3.31 3.00 441.84
Minneapolis MN MSP 122 232 77% 1.09 0.74 312.58
Nashville TN BNA 7 530 76% 1.54 1.17 452.44
Phoenix AZ AZA 12 1137 93% 2.75 2.45 464.08
Phoenix AZ PHX 58 1149 91% 2.85 2.54 452.83
Portland OR PDX 9 1471 90% 3.46 3.17 464.53
Punta Gorda FL PGD 12 1206 88% 2.96 2.60 463.85
Salt Lake City UT SLC 31 955 76% 2.77 2.34 408.63
San Diego CA SAN 8 1428 90% 3.21 2.92 488.21
Sanford FL SFB 18 1124 90% 2.71 2.42 464.04
St. Louis MO STL 35 259 68% 0.97 0.74 348.43
St. Petersburg FL PIE 18 1126 89% 2.66 2.37 475.77
Valparaiso FL VPS 9 860 66% 2.36 1.87 460.71
Washington DC DCA 55 897 78% 2.31 1.95 458.86

This page contains information about: nonstop flights from DSM, nonstop flights from Des Moines IA, nonstop flights DSM to, direct flights from Des Moines IA, DSM airport, Des Moines IA airport, flight speed, flight duration, flight time, distance, ... It is also related to: upgrade, distance between, hub, non stop, faa, cheap flights, seat, tracking, travel agent, stats, united states, and air travel in general.

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